A man identified as Laiko Osuri, has been arrested for allegedly beating his wife, Beryl Adhiambo Ouma, to death with a belt.

The unfortunate incident happened at their Kahawa Sukari home, Nairobi, Kenya.

Husband allegedly beats wife to death with belt lailasnews

On the fateful day, the deceased reportedly screamed for help for hours but nobody came to her aid.

Her father, Douglas Ouma said that his late daughter, Beryl Adhiambo Ouma, sent him a “Please Call Me” text on Wednesday night. But he tried to reach her, no one came to the phone.

Mr Osuri would later call him back and inform him that he and Adhiambo had had an argument.

Confirming the details was Ruiru divisional police commander James Ng’etich who noted that the suspect who is already in custody had admitted to assaulting the deceased using a belt.