For allegedly defiling an eight-year-old girl, a 55-year-old banker, Titilayo Olatunji, was on Tuesday remanded at Kirikiri Prisons by an Ikeja Magistrates’ Court in Lagos. When the case was mentioned, the Magistrate, Mrs B.O. Osunsanmi, refused to take the plea of the defendant. Osunsanmi ordered that Olatunji should be kept behind bars pending the receipt of legal advice from the State Director of Public Prosecutions (DPPs). She, then adjourned the case until April 14 for mention. Olatunji, who resides at Herbert Macaulay Way, Ebute Meta, Lagos, is being tried for defilement.

The Prosecutor, ASP. Ezekiel Ayorinde, told the court that the defendant committed the offence on Feb.19 at his residence. Ayorinde said that the defendant unlawfully defiled his neighbour’s eight-year-old girl. “The defendant called the girl into his room with pretext of sending her on errand. “When the girl entered, he locked his room and had sexual intercourse with her.

“The girl told her mother when she returned from work that her private parts was paining her. “The mother asked her who touched her sex organ and she narrated to her mother what the defendant did to her,” the prosecutor said. Ayorinde said that the girl was taken to the hospital where it was confirmed that she had been defiled. According to the prosecutor, the case was reported and the defendant was arrested. The offence violated Section 137 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015 which prescribes life imprisonment for defilement.