The police, on Wednesday, arraigned a 27-year-old woman, Ugochi Chinagorom, in an Ogudu Magistrate’s Court for allegedly placing fraudulent job vacancy posters in strategic locations within Gbagada area of Lagos with an intent to deceive unsuspecting applicants.

Chinagorom, who resides at Iddo in Ebute Metta area of Lagos, is charged with intent to obtain money under false pretence.

The prosecutor, Insp. Lucky Ihiehie, told the court that one Dele Akinseleyin, a leader of Diya Street Vigilante group, Ifako area of Gbagada in Lagos, reported the case at the Ifako police station.

Ihiehie alleged that the defendant was caught at 12.45 p.m. placing fraudulent job vacancy posters with the inscription ‘ED Sunshine’ enterprises, Tel. No 08098941257 at strategic locations within Gbagada and environs.

According to the prosecutor, the offence contravens the provisions of Section 406 (2) of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015.

After the charges were read to him, the defendant pleaded not guilty.

Magistrate E. Kubeinje, admitted the accused to bail in the sum of N50,000 with one reasonable surety in  like sum, who must be resident within the courts jurisdiction.

Kubeinje adjourned the case until March 3, for further mention.